Enjoy a backwater canoeing trip

Enjoy a backwater canoeing trip

4.4 (605 Reviews)
₹1000.0 Price is for 1 people
Type: Kayaking
Closing Days: Open all days
Suitable for: All (Children with care)
Timings: 08:00-17:00
Time Required: 4.0 hr
Best Time to Visit: All Season
Travel Tips:
Explore the backwaters in a traditional canoe

Enjoy a backwater canoeing trip, Alleppey Overview

is probably the best place in India to go canoeing due to its many narrow canals and waterways – the perfect natural habitat for a number of bird species, aquatic life, plants, and lush green foliage. An experienced and certified guide will accompany you on this canoeing expedition, just in case you’re new to the activity. With the guidance of the instructor, you’ll be able to enjoy the serenity and intimacy of a sunset or sunrise over the waters without sacrificing your safety.

As you canoe along the narrow canals, you’ll be able to admire the intricately-intertwined waterways which fringe the land. Feel the mastery of Mother Nature and be mesmerized by the beauty and tranquility of the area. You may even have the chance to spot various bird species, such as the blue-winged crow and the yellow-billed cormorant, as well as boats carrying local fishermen and some of the locals of the village who are often seen swimming in the canals.

As you stop here and there, you may also be able to observe the activities of the local people.Besides the peaceful tranquility and beautiful scenery of Alleppey, canoeing also offers an excellent form of physical exercise suitable for everyone. No matter if you’re a beginner or an expert, the activity allows for a leisurely experience or a more energetic workout.All in all, a canoeing experience in Alleppey is a unique way to explore the backwaters of the region and get close to nature. With the help of an experienced guide, you’ll be able to explore the beautiful canals with ease while you soak up the peaceful atmosphere in the region. From spotting a variety of wildlife to getting a glimpse of the daily life of the locals, this is an experience you won’t want to miss.

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