Soochipara Falls: Take A Dip

Soochipara Falls: Take A Dip

4.5 (642 Reviews)
₹80.0 Price is for 1 people
Type: Waterfalls
Closing Days: Open all days
Suitable for: Young People, Children
Timings: 08:00-16:00
Time Required: 2.0 hr
Best Time to Visit: June - September
Travel Tips:
Be cautious of slippery rocks

Soochipara Falls: Take A Dip, Wayanad Overview

Soochipara Falls, located in the lush, green Wayanad district of Kerala, India, is a magnificent sight to behold. This beautiful waterfall is surrounded by vast rolling hills, lush vegetation, and a deep gorge filled with spectacular flora and fauna. Visitors can enjoy a stunning view of the falls cascading from a height of about 300 feet, and a spectacular picnic and dip in a natural pool formed at its base.The Soochipara Falls consists of three continuous falls, extending into a deep pool, below. The beauty and peaceful atmosphere of the falls make it a perfect spot for a relaxing picnic.

Visitors can enjoy the stunning scenic views and a refreshing dip in the cool pool. There are platforms from where visitors can easily get a panoramic view of the falls and surrounding landscape.The Soarchipara Falls is an ideal spot for adventurous activities such as camping, trekking, and river stream walking. It is also perfect for a day-long entertaining picnic with your friends and family. Visitors also have the opportunity to experience the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding hills, which are covered with dense forests of teak, podocarpus and silver oak. There are also guided nature trails and bird-watching tours conducted by local guides.The waters of the Soarchipara Falls are also known for their healing properties and have long been a source of energy and rejuvenation for locals.

This place is also popular for its natural swimming pools which offer aquatic fun and adventure to many visitors. So come to Wayanad and take a refreshing dip in the alluring Soarchipara Falls and make your vacation even more enjoyable. Enjoy the spectacular nature views, serene atmosphere, and the natural pool which is perfect for a cool, relaxing picnic day.

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